
The following cookies are set by the IFRS 17 Solved web application server:

Name Description Lifetime
.AspNetCore.Correlation Correlation identifier allowing the application server to track an OpenID Connect authentication handshake prior to successful authentication Session
.AspNetCore.OpenIdConnect.Nonce.*[1] Cryptographic nonce to prevent a replay attack while performing an OpenID Connect authentication Session
.AspNetCore.Cookies Authentication token containing claims about the user's identity, allowing the server to grant/deny access to the site Session
.AspNetCore.CookiesC*[2] Authentication token containing claims about the user's identity, allowing the server to grant/deny access to the site Session
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.*[1] Anti-forgery token to prevent cross-site request forgery (also known as XSRF or CSRF) Session
.AspNetCore.Session Session identifier used by the server to maintain a user session across multiple requests Session
ifrs17:tid Tenant identifier indicating the user's currently selected tenancy (for users with multiple tenancies) Session
accepted-cookie-policy-version The most recently accepted cookie policy version Session
Note: the '*' (asterisk) in a cookie name indicates a wildcard Note: [1] the wildcard is a random sequence of characters to create a cryptographically unique identifier. Note: [2] the wildcard is used as a way for the server to split a single large cookie into multiple smaller cookies. Note: all session-scoped cookies above are strictly necessary for the web site to function.

See here for more infomation about cookies.